Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy
Your privacy is very important to us.

Thank you for your interest in using the online services of Petcore Co LLC. (“Petcore Co LLC,” “we,” or “us”) Your privacy is important to us and we have prepared this Privacy Policy to explain to you how we collect, use, and share information we obtain through your use of Petcore (the “Site”). This Privacy Policy does not govern our use of any information you provide to us when you call us, write to us, or communicate with us in any manner other than through the Site. Because the Internet is global, information about you that we collect or that you submit may be transferred to, processed in, and held in countries (including the United States) other than the one in which you reside. By using the Site, you explicitly consent to such use of your information and agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

2. Information Collection Practices

2.1. Types of Information Collected

(a) We automatically track and collect the following categories of information when you visit our Site: (1) IP addresses; (2) domain servers; (3) types of computers accessing the Site; and (4) types of web browsers used to access the Site (collectively "Traffic Data"). Traffic Data is anonymous information that does not personally identify you but is helpful for marketing purposes or for improving your experience on the Site. We also use "cookies" to customize content specific to your interests, to ensure that you do not see the same advertisement repeatedly, and to remember you each time you visit the Site.

(b) In order for you to access certain services that we offer via the Site, we may require you to provide us with certain information that personally identifies you ("Personal Information"). Personal Information includes the following categories of information: (1) Contact Data (such as your name, mailing address, and e-mail address); and (2) Financial Data (such as your account or credit card number).

Account Registration. We collect your name and contact information when you create an account. We use this information to provide account-related functionalities to our users. Accounts can be used for easy checkout and to save your preferences and transaction history.


We use cookies (which are small amounts of data sent from a web server to your browser that are stored on your computer’s hard drive) to keep track of your use of the Site, to validate your identity, to remember your preferences, to tailor the Site to meet your personal interests, and to improve the quality of the Site. In addition, third parties who place advertisements on the Site may also collect information through cookies to ensure that their advertising systems and technologies work properly and to allow them to track responses to their advertisements. Cookies set by these third parties are governed by the privacy policies of those third parties. Generally, you can set your browser not to accept cookies or to notify you if you are sent a cookie, giving you the opportunity to choose whether or not to accept the cookie. Please note that if you do set your browser not to accept cookies, certain areas of our Site may not function properly.

Email Interconnectivity

If you receive email from us, we use certain tools to capture data related to when you open our message, click on any links or banners it contains and make purchases. We use this information to understand how you interact with our communications to you.

Mailing List

When you sign up for one of our mailing lists, we collect your email address. Where required by law, we have obtained your consent to share information about our products or services. We also use this information to send you information about our products or services.

Mobile Devices

We collect information from your mobile device, including web browser cookies. We use this information to design a better mobile experience and enhance the mobile performance of the site.

Order Placement

We collect your name, billing address, shipping address, e-mail address, phone number, and payment card information when you place an order. We use this information to perform our contract to provide you with products or services or show you things you might like.

Sweepstakes or contests

When you participate in a sweepstakes or contest, we collect information about you which includes contact information to notify you if you are selected. We use this information to operate the sweepstakes. In some contests we are also required by law to collect information about those that enter our sweepstakes.

Third Party Advertising

We participate in behavior-based advertising. This means that a third party may use technology (e.g., a cookie (further described below)) to collect information about your use of our website so that they can provide advertising about products and services tailored to your interests. That advertising may appear either on our websites, or on other websites. Cookies may be managed by following instructions provided by your browser. We use this information to offer you more relevant marketing and promotions.

3. Our Information Sharing Practices

3.1 (a). We use Contact Data to send you information about our company or our products or services, or promotional material from some of our partners, or to contact you when necessary. We use your Financial Data to bill you for products and services.

(b) We share certain categories of information we collect from you in the ways described in this Privacy Policy. We also share Contact Data and Financial Data with our business partners who assist us by performing core services (such as hosting, billing, fulfillment, or data storage and security) related to our operation of the Site. Those business partners have all agreed to uphold the same standards of security and confidentiality that we have promised to you in this Privacy Policy, and they will only use your Contact Data and other Personal Information to carry out their specific business obligations to us. In addition, we may combine Traffic Data with Personal Information in a manner that enables us to trace Non-Personal Information to an individual user. We do so, however, only for our own internal business purposes and will not share such combined data with third parties in a manner that would enable the recipient to personally identify you.. In addition, we maintain a procedure for you to review and request changes to your Personal Information; this procedure is described in Sections 5 and 6, below.

3.2 Public Areas. Your use of areas of the Site that are intended for interaction with other users (e.g., message boards, discussion rooms, and other online forums) may allow you to post information. By choosing to use these areas, you understand and agree that anyone may access, use, and disclose any information that you post to those areas. In addition, if you are a participating shelter or rescue organization, any Personal Information you provide to enable users of the Site to contact you will be shared.

3.3 Other Disclosure Scenarios. We reserve the right to share Information: (1) in response to subpoenas, court orders, or legal process, or to establish, protect, or exercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims; (2) if we believe it is necessary in order to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal activities, fraud, or situations involving potential threats to the safety of any person or property; (3) if we believe it is necessary to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding significant abuse of the Site’s infrastructure or the Internet in general (such as voluminous spamming, denial of service attacks, or attempts to compromise the security of information); (4) to our, subsidiaries, joint ventures, or other companies under common control with us (in which case we will require such entities to honor this Privacy Policy); and (5) if we are acquired by or merged with another entity.

4. Choice/Opt-Out. We offer you the opportunity to choose not to receive communications from us. If you would like to take advantage of this opportunity, please contact us by e mail at Please note that sometimes these requests may take up to ten business days to process.

5. Modifying and Deleting Your Information. If you would like to modify or delete from our database any User Information you previously submitted or any information you posted on the Site, please contact us by email at, or select the Chat button on your screen to send a request. Please include the first name, last name, billing address and email address associated with the account for verification purposes. If you are unable to verify that you are the user, or legally authorized to take such action on behalf of the user, your request cannot be completed. These requests may take up to 90 days to process and any User Information that we have copied may remain in back-up storage for some period of time after your request. Also, please note that we will maintain User Information in our database whenever we are required to do so by law.

6. Security. We have implemented reasonable measures to help protect your User Information from loss, misuse, or unauthorized access or disclosure. Unfortunately, however, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. As a result, while we strive to protect your User Information, we cannot guarantee its security.

7. Links. The Site may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of any such other website and urge you to review such practices prior to submitting any information to such websites.

8. Children’s Privacy. We are committed to protecting the privacy needs of children and we encourage parents and guardians to take an active role in their children’s online activities and interests. The Site is not intended for and may not be used by children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect information from children under the age of 13 and we do not target the Site to children under the age of 13. If we learn or have reason to suspect that a Site user is under age 13, we will promptly delete any personal information in that user's account.

9. Your California Privacy Rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act (the “CCPA”)

For California Residents only: The CCPA requires certain businesses to disclose information regarding the rights of California residents. California residents have the right to request the disclosure of the information collected about them, as well as the right to request that we delete information about them, subject to certain exclusions. Please review the table below which outlines each category of personal information under California law, and whether we collect that personal information, the business purpose of the collection, and/or whether we share or disclose it to certain types of third parties. Petcore Co LLC does not sell your personal information. Petcore Co LLC respects your privacy rights and will not discriminate against you if you exercise your rights under the CCPA.

Right to Know Request. To request the disclosure of the information listed here by calling 423-967-5838 or submitting a request to with "Request for California Privacy Information" in the subject line and in the body of your message. We will provide in response the requested information to you at your e-mail address. Such a request may be referred to as a right to know request. We will verify your identity before complying with any such request, as required by the CCPA.

Right to Delete Request. To request that we delete any personal information about you, and that we direct any service provider to delete the California resident's personal information from its records. Your information may not be deleted under certain circumstances, including where maintenance of your personal information is required for a necessary business function, such as to fulfill a recent order that you placed. You may request the deletion of your personal information by calling 510-609-3600 or submitting a request to Before deleting your personal information, we will verify your identity and confirm your request, as required by the CCPA.

You may also use an authorized agent to submit a right to know request or a request to delete, so long as the agent provides us with written authorization and can verify their identity. These requirements will not apply where a you have provided the authorized agent with power of attorney pursuant to Cal. Prob. Code Sections 4000 to 4465.
10. Changes. We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. If under any such update we make any material change to the way in which we are permitted to use your User Information, we will inform you of such change by posting a notice on the Site. Any updated version of this Privacy Policy will be effective as of the date set forth therein and your continued use of the Site after such date constitutes your acceptance of any such updates. This material was last updated 06/24/23.
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us by email at